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Using heavy weight fly gear from a tube
A ten isn't that much heavier than an eight is it? Either one is going to wear on you from fishing it all day, but personally I can't imagine the 10 being that big of a casting difference.
I understand you wanting big guns and I say go for what is going to give you the confidence to muscle from time to time.
I used an eight to fish for wipers, and it did great, but I don't think a 10 would be out of the question.
Do you not feel an eight can land a Pike? Eight is a pretty big gun and used for Salmon and Steelies in river currents.
It is all about the playing the fish and fighting with the BUTT of the rod letting the tip do all the work. And think twice about bracing the rod higher up with the free hand, when pulling a fish. That causes more breaks than anything.

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Re: [Tartantuber] Using heavy weight fly gear from a tube - by flygoddess - 09-26-2008, 07:33 PM

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