09-16-2008, 12:51 AM
I agree with everything you have and the others have said in "arguing" why one needs a GPS in Utah. Also I have had fellow anglers try to tell me where they were fishing a body of water and I have gotten there and have had no idea if I was even close to "the point" or "out from the small bay" or whatever. I have also had others give me the gps coordinates for where they were fishing --- keyed them into my GPS and knew that I was within a few feet of exactly where they were fishing. Also, one should try to find one of those underwater springs at Bear Lake without a GPS; whereas, with one I can go straight to it, one of the rockpiles or whatever. One may have saved my life on Utah Lake a couple years ago. I went to Bird Island and was going to spend the night when the wind came up. I had been smart enough to turn on my GPS before leaving the dock, and despite almost total darkness I was able to follow that GPS right back to the entrance to the marina, with waves splashing over the bow of my boat. It has also guided me through blinding snow storms and fog while ice fishing.