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New to this neighborhood
welcome to the BFT KOTC.. I am sure you will enjoy your time here as much as we do...

... take some time (if you havent already) to look around at the numerous forums we have on this site, including one for each state, and feel free to comment on any threads that peak your interest, or create a new one, ask questions, and like DR said.. we are a visual group.. and love to see pictures of the results of your fishing efforts..

if you have any questions feel free to ask away.. I am sure someone will have the answer for you..

again, welcome to the BFT...

MacFly [cool]

Messages In This Thread
New to this neighborhood - by kingofthecats - 09-03-2008, 09:44 PM
Re: [kingofthecats] New to this neighborhood - by macfly55 - 09-03-2008, 10:34 PM

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