05-11-2003, 08:40 AM
Fished mantua today. The weeds have come up quite a bit and with the cold weather I figured it would be a trout only day, but as i hoped on the boat dock out came three nice largemouth. That got me excited so out fishing we went. Anchored off in ten feet of water out in the prime spawning location and sure enough the first fish of the day was my dad hooking up a very nice largemouth. At first he thought it was a trout until I looked back there and saw that there was too much bend in that pole to be a trout. Pretty beat up from the spawn. Then I cast out and hooked up on one of the kamloops rainbows they put in there last fall. If those are the jumpinest trout ever created I will be danged. As soon as I hooked up on it, it ran for the surface and came out of the water about four feet. As soon as it hit the water it did it came right back up again. I was impressed. Fished a bit more, but nothing to brag about.