05-08-2003, 05:31 PM
I need to clarify the type of golf club this is. This is one of the kiddie versions you can buy in the toy section of Walmart. The shaft happens to be metal, but everything else on it was plastic which made it easy to mount the transducer. I'm sure a real golf club would work just as well if you have a dremel or other like tool to cut things up.
TD has the best solution for skimmer transducers -- 1/2 inch pvc. I just didn't want to buy a whole big section of PVC. So, I went with what I had at home. One of the nice side-effects however is that my children no longer have a weapon with which to beat each other, or their new little brother [
I have yet to test the new toy. Maybe in the next couple of weeks.
TD has the best solution for skimmer transducers -- 1/2 inch pvc. I just didn't want to buy a whole big section of PVC. So, I went with what I had at home. One of the nice side-effects however is that my children no longer have a weapon with which to beat each other, or their new little brother [

I have yet to test the new toy. Maybe in the next couple of weeks.