05-18-2008, 01:08 AM
This is the severed end of the cable.
Here it is, laying on top of the foot pedal. It has a ball on the non-severed end that slips into a hole beneath the black flap on top of the pedal that makes the prop spin..(i don't know the technical term).
From what I can figure, the severed end should connect on the underside of the foot pedal, probably right above where you can see it sticking up in this photo.
This photo shows the cable threaded through the hole underneath the flap.
Sorry for the vagueness on this - I am a girl [] and don't know too much about boats. I just happen to be more tech-savvy than sig-oth, so he asked me to help him out here. Please let me know if none of this makes sense. I'm kind of new to posting here!
Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.