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smallmouth & walleye ??
Considering that Walleye are, or at least used to be, primarilly a northern river fish. I will freely admit that I must not be fishing for them correctly in the cold. I know that plenty of them are caught through the ice all over the states and in Canada. Smallies, I don't know as much about. I do know that they live and grow quite well in the colder regions. Anyone that thinks they are warm water only, shoud check the population (and size) of Smallies in the Clark Fork River in Northwestern Montana. The only reason I can think that anyone around here would consider them a warm water species, is that they are so used to fishing for Rainbow and Cutthroat trout, that are too weak to survive warm water. Anything that survives after the trout die, must be warm water. Just my .02

Messages In This Thread
smallmouth & walleye ?? - by fuzzyfisher - 04-30-2003, 09:47 PM
Re: [fuzzyfisher] smallmouth & walleye ?? - by Curtisfish - 04-30-2003, 09:59 PM

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