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Fishslayer: Yes they do a little but juvenile sea bass have black bars on their sides some more than others depending on their immediate habitat. They are much more slender appearing. Tom cod don't have bars on their side and do have a small barbel under their chin. Actually a herring aka queenfish looks more like sea bass than any other fish. In the golden days I used to catch them both, at will, off Belmont Pier during the night under lights. In those days we could catch a barrel of them to 26 inches in one evening and we called them sea trout.I think the limit was 15 with no size limit at all.

Messages In This Thread
Re: [DH_tubinjoe] WHERE ARE THE WHITE SEA BASS AT??? - by gvanzant - 04-24-2003, 04:01 PM
Re: [Fishslayer] WHERE ARE THE WHITE SEA BASS AT??? - by gvanzant - 04-28-2003, 04:27 PM

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