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Hey there dhTubinChris,

I agree with ya! Everrrrrrrrrrrrry boat has it world class days as well as those not so good. But guess what! I've been out very few times that I've regretted IF and that is IF the entire crew did the best they could.

I can take bad fishing, bad bait, bad weather, bad luck, bad to the bone anglers, but not a skipper or crew that won't do the job they can just because they've got problems.

Man oh man, Can you believe it? If it's an island off the coast they are either getting bit on the yellows or WSB. Does seem like the majority of WSB caught are at up north to Catalina and Clementeish, yellows in the south with the Coronado's and Clemente putt puttin' along.

If more squid floated off Ben Westen, we'd be up to our ears in yellows and WSB at my favorite... Catalina!

Going out on the Pierpoint when they go out next week!

How about you for next weeks fishin'?


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Re: [dhTubinChris] WHERE ARE THE WHITE SEA BASS AT??? - by JapanRon - 04-28-2003, 04:06 AM
Re: [DH_tubinjoe] WHERE ARE THE WHITE SEA BASS AT??? - by gvanzant - 04-24-2003, 04:01 PM
Re: [Fishslayer] WHERE ARE THE WHITE SEA BASS AT??? - by gvanzant - 04-28-2003, 04:27 PM

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