04-23-2003, 05:14 PM
why is fish such a sacred cow??? I don't bring a lot of fish home just because I don't like the taste of it (except a few species and I think rainbows are trash fish) but I have no qualms if I bring a couple home for my wife or if I am fishing with my Pa or Father-In-Law who love to eat fish so they bring a mess home. I pay my fare share of taxes to support fish hatcheries. I know the daughter of the person in charge of the Mammoth Fish Hatchery and she always says the expect people to take fish home thats why they have those programs. If you don't want to keep fish more power to ya, but where do you get off telling me if keep a fish I did bad? I have just as much right keeping fish as you do letting them go. I have another question if you hunt do you tell your kids that we only shoot over the back and not kill the animals because that is "The right thing to do" I guess it gets old always hearing catch and release when I have a givin right to harvest fish! Just one more question where do ya draw the line on this puriest thing?