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Chefwhofishes, You Mentioned Noodling?
[cool]I have "noodled" myself, and I did not wear a hat while noodling, nor did my hair and upper clothes stay dry. In truth, on each of the two relatively small flatheads I wrestled to the surface, I looked like a bloody mud pie.

Most sensible anglers (if there are any) wear gloves when handling big fish. The difference is that flathead noodlers do not wear gloves, because it lessens the sensitivity to feeling what is going on in the murky water. They have to be able to tell the difference between a catfish, a turtle or a water moccasin. Then, they have to be able to tell which way the fish is pointed, so they can grab it's lower jaw. Wearing gloves while you are doing all that decreases your chances greatly, But not wearing gloves costs you a lot of skin off your grabbin hand.

Those are posed pictures, in the style of the European macho men. Here is a link to an Italian Catfishing website. Several of the pics posted above are on that site...exactly the same...including the smiling Italian gentleman wearing the funky hat. [url ""][/url]

Now, is there still a dispute?

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Re: [Fishrmn] Chefwhofishes, You Mentioned Noodling? - by TubeDude - 04-20-2003, 01:07 AM

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