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Tackle Box Organization
[cool]Yeah, I own stock in a lot of tackle companies. They just don't send me any certificates or dividends.

Whoever first came up with the idea that you can save money by making all your own stuff didn't stop to figure out what it takes to get "tooled up." It's kinda like the sign I once put up in a business I managed: "IF YOU WONDER WHY OUR PRICES ARE SO REASONABLE, IT'S BECAUSE WE LOSE MONEY ON EVERY TRANSACTION, BUT WE MAKE IT UP IN VOLUME".

So....I pull up my homemade fly-tying bench, on casters, and sit down to tie up some inexpensive homemade jigs. Then, I check my prepainted jig heads and find I only have a couple left, so I need to pour and paint some more. Check the hooks and find out I need to order some more, and that my epoxy paint has turned hard since last useage, so I need more of that too. Go to my catalogs and start browsing. Find several other items I had been meaning to order. Go on line to place the order and get a popup with some specials. Can't resist a couple. Add to shopping cart. Go to checkout page. Enter credit card number. Card begins smoldering. All of a sudden my dozen cheap jigs just cost me another hundred bucks. Boy, I'm glad I don't hafta buy those expensive store-bought jigs.

But, at least I got everything well organized.

Messages In This Thread
Tackle Box Organization - by PescadorUtah - 04-15-2003, 11:19 PM
Re: [icefool] Tackle Box Organization - by road - 04-17-2003, 10:19 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Tackle Box Organization - by PescadorUtah - 04-17-2003, 09:56 PM
Re: [PescadorUtah] Tackle Box Organization - by TubeDude - 04-17-2003, 10:17 PM

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