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Caddo Lake
[font "Arial"]CADDO LAKE INFO
Before time Caddo was.
[/font][size 2]
Caddo lake cover about 26,800 acres
Half in Texas and half in Louisiana.
There a four (4) watersheds that feed Caddo Lake.
Big Cypress creek out of Lake O the Pines
Little cypress creek
Black Cypress Bayou
Jeems Bayou
Normal lake level: 168.5'
Pool level - Jan. 15th - 169.1''
Water temp - 47.4 to 52
Air temp - 37 to 57
Crappie fishing fair:
Bass fishing fair:
Report #08-2
Fish the River - Crappie
Off Main Lake Boat Lanes - Bass
Full day trip.
½ of the day for Crappie
½ of the day for Bass
Baits of the day:
Part #1 Crappie

Big Cypress River, we put in a the 43 bridge boat ramp.
Started out fishing the boat dock near deep water with 12 to 20 feet near by.
Fish live bait to start with and then change up to 1/16 - 1/8 oz jigs blue body with white tail or all purple worked the best this week.
Part #2 Bass

Move out to the main lake area and fish the cypress trees near the boat lane with grass around them in 5 to 7 feet of water.
Boat lane - "C" poles 19 Jap Island area, L.G. Brake, "G" poles 14-16, "C" 46-51, "J" , "K" this is just some of the areas.
Bass fishing was fair on (3) three typ of baits, we use the NEW Craw Clicker, 3/16oz Red / Bird and Sour / Grape with the Patented latch-on RED CrawClicker rattler, beaver type bait with NEW Latch-on 3/16oz jig and we also used a 1/8oz wacky worm rig with a Black Blue 5" Senko.
The Crappie have move out to the river, they can be found in 12 to 20 feet of water in brush and around some of the boat dock. We have started booking trips this pass week for Crappie.

For a trip on caddo lake go to - and book you a trip.[/size][size 1]
[/size][font "Dauphin"][size 3]
Until Next Time Catch as many as you can, but only keep what you need.
GOD BLESS & good fishing[/size][/font][size 3]
Guide Service
on Caddo lake
903 930-5460[/size][size 2]

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Caddo Lake - by CaddoLake - 01-18-2008, 07:33 PM

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