04-15-2003, 05:24 PM
What gripes me the most about organizations like PETA is that many times they start off with good intentions. Then you get a few vocal radicals in the group that starts steering the organization on to the road to H!*@.
I respect and value animals and wildlife. Thats why I practice C&R, or if I do keep a fish, I eat it. I would bet $0.25 that I know more about the aquatic ecosystems of my local rivers and lakes than many of the PETA group. (The more I know, the more likely I am to catch fish [
Anytime a group goes to the extreme is when that group starts to loose legitimate power, then they try to gain power in other ways. There is a place for conservation and common sense, and then there is a place for PETA . . . extinction.
With that said, I remember a quote from high school that I would say to a PETA member, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Then I would ask them for dinner, we're having steak and fresh fish.
I respect and value animals and wildlife. Thats why I practice C&R, or if I do keep a fish, I eat it. I would bet $0.25 that I know more about the aquatic ecosystems of my local rivers and lakes than many of the PETA group. (The more I know, the more likely I am to catch fish [

Anytime a group goes to the extreme is when that group starts to loose legitimate power, then they try to gain power in other ways. There is a place for conservation and common sense, and then there is a place for PETA . . . extinction.
With that said, I remember a quote from high school that I would say to a PETA member, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Then I would ask them for dinner, we're having steak and fresh fish.