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How to Process a Pan Fish ( clean fillet skin)
Your welcome, it was a long time comming, I had been meaning to do this post for several years, just slipped my mind every time I had a bucket full of swimmers to process....[blush]

actualy I do, its eaiser if you have a biger knife, one with a 12 or 15 inch blade but my 10 inch blade will to the job, the biggest cat I did was 35 pounds, I do dog fish the same way "bowfin" the same as salmon....

the guys up at tippy dam will skin and fillet them for you for 2 bucks, so I had them do one and I did one, start to finsh for them was 5 minuts, for me it was about 15 minuts... His knife was twice the lenth of mine...[angelic]

I do bass and perch the same way, but for trout and cisco I gill and gully dont skin and dont scale and dont cut the heads off...

years ago I used to nail my cats to the tellephone pole in the yard, aside from grosing out the meter reader a few times and an ocational pole climber it worked pretty well... I cut around the head and down the back bone and along the side of the belly only skin deep. then pull the skin down with a pair of vice grips... my hands would get to slippery with pliers...

cat fish and bull heads are a taisty treet... especialy when done golden brown in a bear batter... thre is a trick tho, dont cut them any more than say 3/4 to and inch think.. meaning one decent size bull head will give you 4 fillets...

If you ever bite in to a raw catfish you may get turned off by them...

one thing I will say for sure, if your buddy goes with you and you get one, do it his way, you can experiment on the next one. its good to have several ways to do something...

when I was younger, I used to do them the way Tarpon says, cut off thier heads, gully them, scale them... then fillet them... we used to be there for hours cleaning fish and swattin skeeters..

we even at one time had an electric scaler... talk about somebodies idea of a pratical joke [shocked] them scales when every where, my hair, the dogs hair the cats hair, even the guiny pig on the other side of the garage would catch a few scales 20 feet away...[laugh]

I swear by the time we were done scaling fish our arms would have more scales on them that the fish did before we started...[Tongue]

so when first starting out, go slow, take your time, once you develop a techneque of flips flops twist and turns you will pick up speed real quick...

I had to edit this in, when skinning a cat fish after filletting it, you deffinantly need a sharp knife during the skinning step, so take your time and re-sharpen your knife before skinning the fillet...

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Re: [lskiles] How to Process a Pan Fish ( clean fillet skin) - by davetclown - 12-28-2007, 08:20 PM

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