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Lake Powell, September 20-24 2007
[reply]We'll be up there on the 15&16 of oct. I hope we can find a school like you guys did. What are the fees at bullfrog as far as entance and boat permit. Where the spoons you were using all chrome or did they have some color to them, also what size spoon where you using. Great job on fullfiling your meat expidition.[/reply]

They were kastmaster 1oz spoons in all silver. To get in to the park there is a boat fee and a truck fee. Not sure on the boat fee because we had a sticker on the boat, but the park fee for your truck is $15.

Messages In This Thread
Lake Powell, September 20-24 2007 - by CBR - 09-25-2007, 05:09 PM
Re: [jekern1015] Lake Powell, September 20-24 2007 - by CBR - 09-26-2007, 02:22 PM

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