07-30-2007, 07:37 AM
I never have had much luck with lures before today. Before I only ever got the tiniest blue gill I have ever caught and the hooks were to big for it. It hit just right. It was some lure but Rapala which makes a nice fishing knife but sucks at lures. Today I bought a new lure that I heard people talking about out by where I fish. I just listened in as a guy on a boat gave out tips to another guy on what lure to use. I bought the jitterbug and I got 2 bass today I did not stay very long as it thundered and I headed out to be out of the storm. I love the black jitterbug. I even used it in murky water and it is supposed to best at night which I caught them in the day. Not much of a fight from bass. I just throw bass back. I only keep channel catfish anymore. They taste good. Yeah the jitterbug is the best thing since the wheel. It will give me something to play with while I wait for channel catfish to role in.