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Michigan D.N.R.
I'm going anti-Mi.D.N.R. here , hope you don't mind .
I just started reading this pamplet for the antlerless tags and it just dosen't make a whole lot of sence period !
There are so many do this and don't do thats with a couple of do and don'ts at the same time , it just boggles the mind that we are paying these people to screw up our hunting beyond belief .

Is it me or does anyone else think that the Mi.D.N.R. now impliments rules and regulations in order to discourage hunting and fishing in Michigan ????
Maybe , it is just to gain revinew by targeting us sportsmen by making the rules too complicated to understand and follow in a lawfull manner , whatever the case , they are dropping the ball bigtime when it comes to promoting hunting and fishing here in a state that offers more than any surounding state in our area of the midwest .
Shure , all of the regulations are printed in a pamplet , sometimes multiple pamplets , but if you can figure out which regulation from which pamplet focuses on your particular hunt area than you are doing better than the rest of us . I sugest doing like the Mi.D.N.R. C.O.'s do , get a highlighter and multiple hunting pamplets , highlight all the rules that apply to your area , then list them on a legal pad , include pamplet name and page of each rule .
Now go thru the licences you can carry on your person while you are hunting and when they can be used and for what . Put them in an seperate envalope , label them for the dates or the hunt you are doing .

Combo license , two harvest tags for any season or one season , now gone , it is a one tag per season use , why ? If you decide to purchase the combo license , read the rules pertaining to carring the license or it's a trip to jail .

Antlerless tag once allowed you a harvested doe or buttonbuck in the state , now the state is devided into 4 seperate areas in three zones , each with different rules and regulations reguarding hunting do's and don'ts , each zone has seperate units , each unit has special provisions , confusing ? , You bet !!!!!
As with the combo license there are rules and regulations about purchasing and posessing the licences that can send you to jail also .

To me , if you can leagely purchase any licence from the D.N.R. it should not be illeagle to posess and use that licence .

The Mi.D.N.R. should list the rules and regulations for a spacific area in or under that areas listing , not scattered thru-out the multiple pamplets for hunting that particular animal , deer .
Rules for hunting zone one should be listed under zone one , Rules for zone two under zone two , zone three , the same thing .

A hunter should not have to cross reference hunting rules and regulations between all the pamplets availible , they should all be listed for that area in which that hunt is open to . The Mi.D.N.R. clearley uses the scattered rules and regulations as an attempt to trick the unsuspecting hunter into making a mistake that he is unaware of , thus making him or her either paying a fine , going to jail or both .

Thank you Mi.D.N.R. , you have done your best to ruin hunting and fishing in our state and suceeded . I hope you put yourselves out of business and out on the street , Michigan hunters and fishermen would be better off without you anyway .

Messages In This Thread
Michigan D.N.R. - by lonehunter - 07-14-2007, 12:59 AM
Re: [lonehunter] Michigan D.N.R. - by davetclown - 07-15-2007, 04:14 AM
Re: [davetclown] Michigan D.N.R. - by FieldWalker - 07-24-2007, 07:40 PM
Re: [FieldWalker] Michigan D.N.R. - by davetclown - 07-24-2007, 09:05 PM

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