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hunting shack under construction
[size 1]there is something I should mention, that roof weighs as much as a deer, but if you have a wench from an old boat trailer you can use that to lift the roof if you park the shack under a good branch. or if you can barrow a buck pole you can lift the roof then back the shack under it. You could even toe nail a couple 2x4's to the top of the shack for rails and slide the roof on that way.

You could build the roof right on top of your shack, I didnt have that option.

what I am saying is if you have a way to lift the roof, it is eaiser to to build it on the ground and lift it in to place, I am not a big fan of working on ladders...

two six foot people can lift it and slide it on top of the 7 foot shack. I could reach the top but it was well out of my range for putting the roof on. It is a bit of a strech for guys our size so I think you may want to go for a six foot shack. If I make another one, I wont go any taller than 6 foot.. I got lots of head room, I got room to do jumping jacks in side this shack...

I did put the roof on by my self, I first rolled it in to the back of my truck, drove it out and then lifted and slid it in to the back of the cargo truck, then I grabed the trailer and backed it up to the cargo truck and lifted one side on top of the roof and went to the front of the cargo truck and entered the back through the door between the seats then lifted the back side of the roof and slid it in to place.

I then went in side and turned the roof to expose the corners and removed those corner braces I had put in place and then lined up the roof from the inside.

starting in the back over the door I used 3 in deck screws and ancored the roof. once I had the roof ancored I pulled the straps down and used roofing nails, two on the side and one on the bottom. I will get another picture of the strap if that isnt clear.

like I mentioned I had not acored the shack to the trailer, well I had nails and other things in the back of the shack and when I took the trailer loose from the truck the tong pointed in the air. the shack is mounted well over the axle with just enough weight to keep preasure on the tong. so it is important if you store any thing in the trailer you keep it to the front. Any way the shack slid back 4 inches. I will have to push that back to the bow of the trailer.

I will be using two ancor on each wall, If I were planning on taking it down the road any time soon I would put at least 4 ancors on each wall. I am glad I had not calked around the floor yet, [/size]

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hunting shack under construction - by davetclown - 06-29-2007, 01:07 AM
Re: [RILEYFISH] hunting shack under construction - by davetclown - 07-10-2007, 04:17 PM

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