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hunting shack under construction
what do you do when gramps wants to go hunting, cant take the cold, packing gear any distance is out of the question, climbing a tree or platform is a hazard in it self.

how about a drive up hunting shack....

It has 5 sides, windows on 4 sides and a door on the other.

a small heater keeps gramps worm and comfy.

windows open and close as to gramps needs, meaning when it is wormer he can leave them all open, when it is to cold he can close all the windows untill he needs to shoot.

building in top of a snowmobile trailer you can pull it up in to any field drop it off and block up the corners to stableize it and make it quiet.

you got a nice place in the woods where you can use the ability to see in all directions, the 5 sided design is your ticket to seeing all around.

using an office chair, it is quiet, it spins around to any window, and most important it has padded cotton seats and a back on it so that comfort is at a premium....

In the next few weeks I will be posting the construction of this hunting shack.

if at the end of this some one needs a little more directions than what I post here, I will be happy to supply blue prints, parts list and directions on how to at a more than reasonable price... With this you should be able to build this shack in a day and a half two days max....

Messages In This Thread
hunting shack under construction - by davetclown - 06-29-2007, 01:07 AM

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