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[blush] [#000080][size 2]Father, I am sorry to disappoint. Sometimes, it is hard to talk and fish at the same time [laugh]. I be saving those guarded jigs for the underwater forests of Jordanelle. Since Lincoln Beach ramp is only 28 miles from mi casa, I'll start trying down there in feb/mar before heading to the smallie waters in apr. Bob saw people catching both at the Provo and Spanish Fark river inlets. Unfortunately, Provo had less than a foot of water and Spanish had every swing .... and his brother from south county down there. The weather up here has been changing every 2 days so patterns that actually work don't last long. Water temps are bouncing up and down like a yoyo and da fiesh are skiddish. I got weds-thurs-fri off this week and I'll probably keep going out there to abuse myself. If gas wasn't so expensive(diesel jumped 15 cents this week), I would try Willard or Bear Lake. [/size][/#000080]

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ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by TubeDude - 03-23-2003, 11:47 AM
Re: [TubeDude] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by tomegun - 03-23-2003, 04:30 PM
Re: [tomegun] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by TubeDude - 03-23-2003, 08:05 PM
Re: [TubeDude] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by tomegun - 03-23-2003, 11:45 PM
Re: [tomegun] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by TubeDude - 03-24-2003, 12:47 AM
Re: [TubeDude] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by tomegun - 03-24-2003, 02:13 AM
Re: [TubeDude] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by JapanRon - 03-24-2003, 05:58 AM
Re: [JapanRon] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by TubeDude - 03-24-2003, 11:10 AM
Re: [TubeDude] ADD-ONS AND UPGRADES - by JapanRon - 03-23-2003, 04:55 PM

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