06-12-2007, 06:47 PM
I will second what TD says about the american angler electric fillet knife. I took his advice and purchased one before my lake powell trip in April. I got the "ultra" one from sportsmans. It looks like this.... [url "http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SceneSevenDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=-15929&scene7Path=BassPro%2f64474%3flayer%3dcomp%26wid%3d500%26hei%3d500%26fmt%3djpeg%26qlt%3d100%2c0%26op_sharpen%3d0%26resMode%3dnorm%26op_usm%3d1.0%2c1.0%2c0.0%2c0&sourceName=images2%2f64000%2f64474.jpg&type=0&linkEnabled=false"]http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SceneSevenDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=-15929&scene7Path=BassPro%2f64474%3flayer%3dcomp%26wid%3d500%26hei%3d500%26fmt%3djpeg%26qlt%3d100%2c0%26op_sharpen%3d0%26resMode%3dnorm%26op_usm%3d1.0%2c1.0%2c0.0%2c0&sourceName=images2%2f64000%2f64474.jpg&type=0&linkEnabled=false[/url]
In three days it went through around 300 stripers. It got very warm to the touch but kept on going. The blades held up well too.
It was the best purchase I could have made before a lake powell trip.
In three days it went through around 300 stripers. It got very warm to the touch but kept on going. The blades held up well too.
It was the best purchase I could have made before a lake powell trip.