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ElDorado Park Start Friday3/14 Finish 3/16
Ron I hope to Get to the lake this coming friday. Maybe even thursday I will Keep you posted.

I do Remember talking to one fly fisherman who was going for the crappie. I had hooked a three and a quater pound bass with a bead head fly in its mouth and returned it to him when I saw he was using the same flys.

There was also another fly fisherman I passed on the big lake connected to the back lake. He was in a Conversation at the time.

I drive a green Dodge Dakota 98 4x4 with a bumper sticker that says work is for those who cant fish.

Also Has a sticker that says water dog willies a great shop in arizona.

Be great to meet you one day.

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Re: [JapanRon] ElDorado Park Start Friday3/14 Finish 3/16 - by OneWhoFishes - 03-19-2003, 05:33 AM

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