05-20-2007, 04:22 AM
Nice report Dusty. Glad your putting that tube to good use. Isn't it just amasing how other fisherman willfollow ya around rather than learn the water for themselves.. I had a simalar situation on Strawberry back in the days when we had an opening and closing of fishing season. We were fishing from my boat what would be considered jigging today, only we were droping worms stright down on the fish. dwane and I were bringing ne up on every drop. All the other boats started moving in closer and closer. We overheard one guy ask his buddy "I wonder what they're using"? So I said to dwane had me some more orange peel I'm out. Next we knew they were all asking who had any oranges. It cracked us up we had a good time with that for years. And see those Ut minnows were good for something LOL.