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Musky - Live Bait or Artificial Lures
I ended up with a score, at least so I think.

I got a Big Jon on clearance at Gander Mountain for 50% off. it came with a hundred fifty feet of cable.

I had three cannon balls two came with the boat, "2- 5 pounders home made, aluminum plate with molded lead that looks like fish" One 10 pounder in the shape of a sucker.

I used it once alrady last saturday, spent more time fighting the leek in my boat and the wind. once I got a handle on the leek the wind kept driving me in to the drop off shelfs.

once I got home I perminantly fixed the leak. next time I go out I will look for a better spot to stay our of the wind or go on a less windyer day.

any rigger tips would be most welcome. Its all new to me...

one thing I did notice is a bottom finder is a must. a few seconds notice that you are comming up on the shelf could save me from cutting in to the bottom of the lake with my cannonball.[unsure]

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Re: [birddogwi] Musky - Live Bait or Artificial Lures - by davetclown - 05-01-2007, 08:28 PM

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