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Favorite Trout and Salmon Rigs/Lures/Baits
Ok I'll give this a shot while trying to not give up too many secrets. Just so everyone knows this is my favorite for fishing the waters of Wyoming and Utah.

Lake Trout - JIGS, JIGS, and more JIGS. Tube jigs have become a favorite of mine over the last few years. Anything from 4" to 7" in many various colors. I mostly let the fish tell me what size to use.

Rainbows on the Lake - I don't care for trolling lakes that much so if I am on a lake, I like to hit close to the shore and coves. I like using Rooster Tails, Panther Martins, and DareDevil spoons just about every color will work but I like color variations of pink, orange and green. Casting to shore and retrieving back or casting along bottom structure such as a drop off letting it sink and then bring back works well for me in water up to 30'. I have even had success while using crankbaits and following the bottom structure.

Rainbows, Cutthroat and Browns on rivers - My favorite if permitted is using a Night Crawler. I use a swivel with a 3' leader attached tothe swivel with whatever size of bait hook I am using. Above the swivel I attache about a 1/16 oz of spitshot sinkers and a clear half filled bobber. This works really well for fast moving waters or creeks especially the Snake or Greys riversin Wyoming or the Smithsfork and Blacksfork in Utah. If artificial is the only thing permitted small tube jigs have also worked for me, and on calmer rivers I like to use smaller Rooster Tails and Panther Martins once again.

I hope this makes sense to everyone if not let me know and I will try and elaborate further.

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Re: [bkidder] Favorite Trout and Salmon Rigs/Lures/Baits - by Wyobraz - 04-27-2007, 01:15 AM

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