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Favorite Trout and Salmon Rigs/Lures/Baits
Since this is a trout and salmon board, and we have access to fisherman all over the country... lets list our favorite rigs and see if we can gain a few "new" things to try out! I know a lot of the rigs we take for granted, people in other parts of the country know little about... and vice versa. So, in the interest of collaboration... heres a few of my favorites.

#1 Assasin spinners from Rocky Mountain Tackle. The use of radical glow beads means that these spinners will hold a glow charge longer than any other glow products out there. I also like the dakota blades they use, and they come in tons of colors. My favorite way to rig these is behind a 4 inch dodger that is similar in color to the beads on the spinner. I also tip them with a peice of nightcrawler and/or use pro cure scents on them. I usually trail them anywhere from 16-24 inches behind the dodger. These spinners are great for trout, and my "go to" for early season kokanee salmon.

#2 Rapala, Lucky Craft, or Flat Fish lures. These minnow immitators are great for browns, cutthroat, mackinaw, and even rainbows. I usually run these without any attractors out in front of them, but at times trailing them 30 or so inches behind a dodger, or a set of lake trolls, can work better.

#3 Hoochie squids, trolling flies, trolling bugs. I use hoochie squids a lot for kokanee salmon, and trout. They do require a dodger in front of them to impart action to the bait. RMT's UV and glow hoochies are great. They come in a 1.5 inch size that is great for salmon and trout. For bigger trout and salmon I will use bigger hoochies and even tube jigs... again, trailed behind dodgers. Trolling flies and bugs can be great too. Because these baits don't have their own action I trail them much closer to the dodger. Sometimes I keep them as close as 8 inches behind the dodger. To give them scent I will use pro cure, night crawlers, or a chunk of minnow. (depending on the species I'm after)

#4 Apex style lures. My favorite Apexes are on the small side, and I use them a lot more for kokanee salmon than I do for trout. I usually start out running these alone, but add a dodger if they aren't getting the job done. Also, scents work well on Apexes, and all lures in my opinion.

#5 Spoons. Daredevil, Michigan Stinger, Needlefish, and Viper Serpent's are all great. I start out running these alone. If things are a bit too slow, I'll add a dodger. These lures have their own action, so I run them a bit further back behind the dodger. Anywhere from 24-30 inches. You have to be careful not to run them too close, or it fouls up their independent action.

I was going to try and add pics to this list but I think it will just muddy the water. If you would like to see pics or further description of any of the following, please ask! I'm sure I'll be asking for clarification and further description of some of your suggested rigs! Also, this list was put together in a hurry... so, I'm sure I'll be using the edit feature and making changes and additons!

Take care, bkidder

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Favorite Trout and Salmon Rigs/Lures/Baits - by bkidder - 04-25-2007, 06:07 AM

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