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suckers salmon and smelt,,, Oh my
yep, it is time to plant peas, onions, radishes, brocolli, cabage, collifower, any trees you want to get out. strawberry sets, transplant rasberries, start pulling out the summer bulbs.

if ya like radishes, you can have a bumper crop before you plant your tomatos... so you can plant them right where the tomatos go... You can plant mustard and turnips now as well, but they take much longer to grow so plant them some where else..

you need to wait a week if you want to pull the tractor out, but if you are pulling the plow by cloddales or morgans the it is time to start plowing the feilds cause you are going to be plowing from now till june.... (no offence intended to any one) the old way takes for ever plus a day to get the job done.... talk about patients... I have to hand it to the Amish, they have more patients than me...

Messages In This Thread
suckers salmon and smelt,,, Oh my - by davetclown - 03-20-2007, 06:54 AM
Re: [lonehunter] suckers salmon and smelt,,, Oh my - by davetclown - 03-28-2007, 09:34 PM

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