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Trolling Motor quick release mounts?
Still trying to figure the best way to mount my new/used bow mount motor.
I have looked in the catalogs and have seen two primary types, both by Minn-Kota.

There is the sliding type and the "Puck" type.

Does anyone own either of these two types or know of another I should consider? If you or a friend owns a quick release for their bow mount how do they like it. Is it easy to use, does it leave a sharp metal plate on the boat when the motor is off?

I'm about to drop another $100 for a removeable mounting system and want to get it right the first time.

Everyone, tell me what you know about this, and mounting bow-motors in general.

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Trolling Motor quick release mounts? - by Troll - 03-28-2007, 12:30 PM

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