02-28-2007, 01:41 AM
Thank you so much for all the helpful info you have given me. It is an older 17 foot v-hull fiberglass boat closed bow. It is fairly deep inside. The tackle box had a lot of needle fish spoons, some kokeanuts and small flashers. Plus a ton of spinners and other spoons. A lot of the spoons had been modified with glow paints covering one sidoe or at least a dot or 2 of glow paint on them. Alot of the worm harnesses I used in Alaska were similar to Mack's wedding ring spinners with a single hook. I have a ton of pop gear from the tiny bladesd ones designed for kokanee to the very large ford fender types. When you fish in about 20 feet of water how many feet do you recommend minimum behind the weight for your lures? Down to say 100 feet if I do make it to the Gorge for lakers and the big browns there. On the manual downriggers do they have bases that you can permanately mount to the boat and just remove the down rigger at the end of the day to lock it up and are they fairly easy to dismantle? When is the Sportsmans Expo? I am currently in the Middle Wast but will be back some time next month.