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License Increase vs. What we expect in return
He shure tried the double talk to put the blame on the politicians when it came to the D.N.R. wanting to raise the prices 100% to 200% , didn't he ?

The general fund , the ol' pork barrel , the D.N.R. made due before dipping into it , they can live without it again .

Us working stiffs have lost retirement funds , paid vacations , sick days , personal days and medical insurance , we make due with what we have left . If the D.N.R. lost those benifits like the rest of us have it wouldn't go broke either .

D.N.R "Buy out " packages for early retirement , what a joke , The working man gets a " bye , your out " package .
Michigan is in it's own depression and dag-nab-it the D.N.R. can do its part just like the rest of us do .
Make due with what it has and live on a budget .
You want more people purchasing hunting and fishing licenses , make it worth our while , streamline all those regulations and make Michigan someplace people would want to spend their money in , period !

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