03-02-2003, 11:31 PM
I am really glad that you have this greatweek planed at Port Aransas. I have been there before and it is a great place to visit. The fishing is always good and there is so mch more. The three days before the getogether starts is the San Fest. I want to be there in time to see the great sculptures that will be made. During the next six days I want to cram in the extras on the Island. The birds are great. I hope to see some that aare migrating back to Ohio from Central America. I want to do some beach combing and at this time of year there is usually some real finds. A trip to another island may be in order. I can'twait to hear the music at the Crazy Cajun Resturant one evening. Of course the big tournement the final day sswill be the highlight of the week as well a the chance to meet many of the fishermen that talk on the boards every day. A month isn't long but with the excitement of the trip it seems that time will go very slow. See you there!