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License Increase vs. What we expect in return
Hey Dude , once again .
The Mi.D.N.R. Concervation Officers are not the problem . They uphold the law as set by our Government . We support there efforts .

When purchasing or selling a product there are key factors that make a sucessfull item . People will pay just about anything for a good product that is simple to use .
Michigan is our product , use of the product has been choked by too many petty laws, rules and regulations ,taxes and fees . Our handbooks are a joke , they can be made easier to read and follow . We shouldn't have to whip out the book at each and every lake we fish or before crossing every road while huntnig . Uniform Statewide regulations should be utilised .

Aplication fees to enter into a drawing for a license , Increased ?
Maybe the Mi.D.N.R. should consult with the Michigan lottery board on how to operate the drawing . A 50 cent lottery wadger enters you into the drawing and if sucessfull gets you the cash prise . Under the proposed Mi.D.N.R. increases we would be paying a higher entry fee to purchase a higher (doubled) license fee . How is that a win win situation for Michigan ?
We are overcharged to begin with on the aplication fees . Combined , the Mi.d.n.r. makes billions on these overpriced aplication fees . What is the aplicant getting in return for his aplication money ? There is nothing tangible in return , you can't hold it in your hand , it has no value , it takes no more energy or effort to be put into the computer program than it did before .

I see that the Mi.D.N.R. requests higher Fishing license fees to battle invasive species brought into our Great Lakes Region by overseas freaghters .
Hmm, I would think that the Freight lines that enter our waters bringing these parisites would be the ones to be charged with the clean-up and prevenative measures , not the fishermen that have to put up with there mistakes , Duhh !

What was that D.N.R. proposal a couple years back? , Oh yea , watercraft licenses for inertubes . Someone wasted a bunch of our money there for nothing .

Hunting/ fishing regulations need to be streamlined thus creating a better product for the public to take notice of , This will increase revinew .
Face it , a product that is easy to use at an affordable price will be sucessfull , otherwise we would be corisponding with a quill pen, ink well and a pony express rider .

I don't see where any sportsperson would complain about justifible moderate increases to support the Mi.D.N.R. and it's programs .
However , The Mi.D.N.R. must accept that it has done a piss poor job in maintaining a enviornment geared to encouraging outdoor activitys for the customers that fund them. The Mi.D.N.R. is cutting it's own throat and it dosen't realise it .
Raising the price of a product dosen't make it better , especially when the number of customers are dwindiling . Make the product better and increase the consumer base , Thats' the ticket !

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