01-21-2007, 04:32 PM
[black][size 3]Hunting and fishing participants are dwindling in Michigan due to the confusion of our laws and regulations we have to follow here in our state, unfortunately the Mi.D.N.R. has it's head up it's bureaucratic butt and can't see the damage it has done to itself .
Now they want to increase our fees to compensate the future losses it will see due to its mismanagement.
Please post what you would like to see in return from the Mi.D.N.R. for your money . I will send copies to our legislators, Governor, and to the MI.D.N.R. .
Thank you.
(Below is copied from the feral swine/small game post)
If the MI D.N.R. wants to raise our license fees, fine, so be it, but in return I demand that we sportsmen get something in return.
Uniform regulations!
All trout streams should have the same laws applied to them statewide. Fish lengths (all species) should be uniform throughout the state as well.
Artificial lures only, fly only , no motor only , length requirements apply on this stream but not that one , possession limits vary , and my personal favorite boundaries . Have you ever read the boundary descriptions? , Now that’s confusing!
Boundaries, weather for hunting or fishing should be done on a county by county boundary line, look at the current turkey hunting guide, counties are divided in half and have different quotas and hunt dates. Private property that boarders state land must be marked, thus ending recreational trespass.
Uniform “Hunting Laws Statewide"
Deer licenses, your first license should have a large number one on it , your second a number two on it .
Your first license (license numbered "one") should entitle you to take either a buck or an antler less deer regardless of method/season of hunting.
Your second license (numbered "two") should entitle you to harvest a antlered only buck 3 points or better on one side.
Antler less permits should be made for both state and private land use (regardless of private land acreage). People that have 40 acres are already entitled to block permits so why the hell can they be the only ones to get antler less permits? Land is around $4000.00 an acre, can the regular working guy afford 40 acres? , nope .
Commercial netting, it must be limited! No more placing commercial nets within a mile of a rivers mouth during the spawning runs!
Fish weirs, leave at least half of the river open for migrating fish.
Hunting Sportsman’s Application Package, I want one! This would automatically register you into every special hunt drawing (Elk, Bear, Turkey, and Antler less Deer).
I want a statewide pass!
Right now there are separate passes for boat launches, state parks, federal lands, county parks , and special area passes .
I want one pass that would entitle me to go to anyone I choose. My windshield is beginning to look like a danged checkerboard with all the passes I have every year!
I want every one of those dammed yellow gates removed from state and federal land, period!
I want someone that will investigate and take action against Mi.D.N.R. Employees that abuse their position and force false confessions to crimes they did not commit.
Small game license must apply to all species of small game, right now if you do not answer yes to hunting cretin species of bird and you shoot one you are poaching that bird, that's just ridicules !
Waterfowl hunting requires a small game license, why?
A waterfowl license should be good enough alone to hunt waterfowl, period!
Right now it is the private sector that sponsors fishing events for children and tournaments for adults , I want the state to put on a few of them .
The state requires hunter safety certificates, then the state can provide these classes thru our school systems (both in regular school age classes and thru adult education courses).
I want ALL hunters and fishermen to approve or deny any proposed law changes made that affect our pastime before it is made law. Groups like M.U.C.C. although good for the most part do show bias with the Mi.D.N.R. when it comes to proposed law changes and why not , the Mi.D.N.R. Supports the M.U.C.C. financially and that’s who the Mi.D.N.R. Consults first .
Well, this is only a few demands I can think of off the top of my head, I bet with a little time I could come up with a whole list of demands.
Clear-cutting of State Lands
Did you realize that the entire clear cutting is mostly done to sections of the forests that have hardwoods? The wood is primarily used to be ground up and used to furnish fuel to power plants. Although commercial wood harvesters are required to replant the area they seldom do. It's cheaper to pay the small penalty than to replant seedlings.
Hardwoods feed our game with the nuts and fruits they provide.
Pines do not.
I want controlled selective harvesting and mandatory reforestation of our woodlands with hardwoods, not pines or left to be barren.
I want the laws to say " in use " instead of "in possession "when describing equipment." In possession of " has a lot of gray area left open to interpolation, hell I have musky lures at my house, so, I possess them, can I get a ticket for that? I'm sure one day someone will try to enforce that.
Most guys have one tackle box, if you are on trout stream fishing and a 2 oz. lure is in your tackle box, you are breaking the law. If your tackle box contains a 2 oz. lure and it is in your car and not on the stream with you while you are fishing, you are still breaking the law. Why wouldn't lures at home be interpretive as being in possession of?[/size][/black]
Now they want to increase our fees to compensate the future losses it will see due to its mismanagement.
Please post what you would like to see in return from the Mi.D.N.R. for your money . I will send copies to our legislators, Governor, and to the MI.D.N.R. .
Thank you.
(Below is copied from the feral swine/small game post)
If the MI D.N.R. wants to raise our license fees, fine, so be it, but in return I demand that we sportsmen get something in return.
Uniform regulations!
All trout streams should have the same laws applied to them statewide. Fish lengths (all species) should be uniform throughout the state as well.
Artificial lures only, fly only , no motor only , length requirements apply on this stream but not that one , possession limits vary , and my personal favorite boundaries . Have you ever read the boundary descriptions? , Now that’s confusing!
Boundaries, weather for hunting or fishing should be done on a county by county boundary line, look at the current turkey hunting guide, counties are divided in half and have different quotas and hunt dates. Private property that boarders state land must be marked, thus ending recreational trespass.
Uniform “Hunting Laws Statewide"
Deer licenses, your first license should have a large number one on it , your second a number two on it .
Your first license (license numbered "one") should entitle you to take either a buck or an antler less deer regardless of method/season of hunting.
Your second license (numbered "two") should entitle you to harvest a antlered only buck 3 points or better on one side.
Antler less permits should be made for both state and private land use (regardless of private land acreage). People that have 40 acres are already entitled to block permits so why the hell can they be the only ones to get antler less permits? Land is around $4000.00 an acre, can the regular working guy afford 40 acres? , nope .
Commercial netting, it must be limited! No more placing commercial nets within a mile of a rivers mouth during the spawning runs!
Fish weirs, leave at least half of the river open for migrating fish.
Hunting Sportsman’s Application Package, I want one! This would automatically register you into every special hunt drawing (Elk, Bear, Turkey, and Antler less Deer).
I want a statewide pass!
Right now there are separate passes for boat launches, state parks, federal lands, county parks , and special area passes .
I want one pass that would entitle me to go to anyone I choose. My windshield is beginning to look like a danged checkerboard with all the passes I have every year!
I want every one of those dammed yellow gates removed from state and federal land, period!
I want someone that will investigate and take action against Mi.D.N.R. Employees that abuse their position and force false confessions to crimes they did not commit.
Small game license must apply to all species of small game, right now if you do not answer yes to hunting cretin species of bird and you shoot one you are poaching that bird, that's just ridicules !
Waterfowl hunting requires a small game license, why?
A waterfowl license should be good enough alone to hunt waterfowl, period!
Right now it is the private sector that sponsors fishing events for children and tournaments for adults , I want the state to put on a few of them .
The state requires hunter safety certificates, then the state can provide these classes thru our school systems (both in regular school age classes and thru adult education courses).
I want ALL hunters and fishermen to approve or deny any proposed law changes made that affect our pastime before it is made law. Groups like M.U.C.C. although good for the most part do show bias with the Mi.D.N.R. when it comes to proposed law changes and why not , the Mi.D.N.R. Supports the M.U.C.C. financially and that’s who the Mi.D.N.R. Consults first .
Well, this is only a few demands I can think of off the top of my head, I bet with a little time I could come up with a whole list of demands.
Clear-cutting of State Lands
Did you realize that the entire clear cutting is mostly done to sections of the forests that have hardwoods? The wood is primarily used to be ground up and used to furnish fuel to power plants. Although commercial wood harvesters are required to replant the area they seldom do. It's cheaper to pay the small penalty than to replant seedlings.
Hardwoods feed our game with the nuts and fruits they provide.
Pines do not.
I want controlled selective harvesting and mandatory reforestation of our woodlands with hardwoods, not pines or left to be barren.
I want the laws to say " in use " instead of "in possession "when describing equipment." In possession of " has a lot of gray area left open to interpolation, hell I have musky lures at my house, so, I possess them, can I get a ticket for that? I'm sure one day someone will try to enforce that.
Most guys have one tackle box, if you are on trout stream fishing and a 2 oz. lure is in your tackle box, you are breaking the law. If your tackle box contains a 2 oz. lure and it is in your car and not on the stream with you while you are fishing, you are still breaking the law. Why wouldn't lures at home be interpretive as being in possession of?[/size][/black]