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Help eliminate feral swine/ small game laws
judging from the veiw count of this string I would say that the dnr has received a positive responce twards this species as a potential game animal,

now as to how many piggies have actualy been counted (taken) I havent a clue, wished I would have asked that when I sent in my questions. I hate to keep bugging them...

I would be interested in seeing a final report on the subject. Ohio dosnt have a season on them, but you can take them year round. same in Tennessee.

any one been around domestic hogs can tell you that the tame ones can be as dangerous as any wild animal when they get a Pissy attitude. and yes hogs do have attitudes, nothing like the cuticy little arnolds and babe piglets shown in the movies.... the wild ones are twice as mean and twice as fast as a domestic hog. but much leaner....

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Re: [lonehunter] Help eliminate feral swine - by davetclown - 01-10-2007, 03:43 AM

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