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Help eliminate feral swine/ small game laws
I think carrying a slug or double ot buck shot and a small game or furriers license is what is needed now, and a copy of the dnr page that says you are urged to target them on site.

I am sure if you are caught walking around with a deer rifle you will be in hot water for sure.

Remember, the page said current license, which means at this point and time deer license are invalid because the season is over and license are now void.

You don’t want to be shooting at them with any thing less than double ot buck shot that is for sure. you will only succeed in making them pissed off at you... and yes they do charge and attack what ever makes them mad.

Shooting at them with a 22 is like shooting at an elephant with a bb gun... ok that is a bit execrated, but not by much.

I have seen the results of hallow points from a 44 carbine explode on the hide before enough damage was done to get one to penetrate. Tough hide plus thick rib cage makes that little piggy one tough hombre'.

I had a buddy who was attacked by one back in the mid 70's, when his gun jammed, the boar was on his leg faster than he could draw his side arm. He got his leg half chewed off before he could get a round in to the pig’s’ head with a 44 mag.

He is not with us now, long lasting complications from the attack did him in some 15 years later..

Now if you have a furrier’s license and are hunting coyote with an 06 in your area you might have a winning combination for Mr. porky. If they let you use that rifle for ferril dog.

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Re: [lonehunter] Help eliminate feral swine - by davetclown - 01-06-2007, 04:04 PM

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