12-05-2006, 04:58 AM
when I picked my powder up at the traid show some years back, the man was using a miniture blower.
looked something like a hair blower, only it blew really hot air. He said you could pick it up at any hobby shop, I still havent seen one at any hobby shop I have been to.
holding the blades with mini vice grips on the side of the blade, he heated them dipped the plades in to the bowder tapped it against the side of the powder jar and heated them again. Litteraly in seconds.
he was sitting there doing them production line style. he must have did 30 of them in the five minutes I was standing there asking questions. he said he had a thosand to do before the end of the week three day weekend. I was there on a thursday and he had about 600 done already.
Later I realized what he was doing. he paid for the rental of the spot and using their electric to do his shop work...LOL
I emagine that little blower draws quite a bit of juice when ya do a thousand blades....LOL
they werent perfect, but they were as good if not better than any thing I picked up in a bulk shop.
there was another man doing jig heads with a pencil torch in another brand of powder paint.
one thing I found about doing the powder on the blades, if you get the blade to hot it will suck up more powder than you realy need to use.
looked something like a hair blower, only it blew really hot air. He said you could pick it up at any hobby shop, I still havent seen one at any hobby shop I have been to.
holding the blades with mini vice grips on the side of the blade, he heated them dipped the plades in to the bowder tapped it against the side of the powder jar and heated them again. Litteraly in seconds.
he was sitting there doing them production line style. he must have did 30 of them in the five minutes I was standing there asking questions. he said he had a thosand to do before the end of the week three day weekend. I was there on a thursday and he had about 600 done already.
Later I realized what he was doing. he paid for the rental of the spot and using their electric to do his shop work...LOL
I emagine that little blower draws quite a bit of juice when ya do a thousand blades....LOL
they werent perfect, but they were as good if not better than any thing I picked up in a bulk shop.
there was another man doing jig heads with a pencil torch in another brand of powder paint.
one thing I found about doing the powder on the blades, if you get the blade to hot it will suck up more powder than you realy need to use.