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How do you know when your waterpump (is that Impeller?) is busted?
Ummmm not sure if its a two stroke or four. It's a standard 40 hp mercury tracker. Im sure its a two stroke otherwise it would mention that on the engine.

So guys tell me, you think my engine is ok now that its running (not seized) and streaming good water?

I'm catching my collective breath here guys, cuz I was high speeding across from hailstone marina to the rockcliff where I begain my slow trolling and stopping at several coves for smallies, when I noticed there was no water coming out. That was probably a good 45 minutes of running the motor there, and then getting back to the marina which is another 15 minutes very slow with another fellow boater side by side in case of emergency.

Then I take it home and clean it out and suction cupped the motor with water and it works fine... think I'm just very lucky here?

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Re: [crestliner] How do you know when your waterpump (is that Impeller?) is busted? - by WalleyePaul - 02-20-2003, 08:20 PM

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