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Using a bottom bouncer0
I'm in no way an expert walleye fisherman, but I have targeted them at willard a few times. The bottom bouncer is a very effective way to fish for walleye at Willard. the only advice I'd give you is to get one or more (Willard has swallowed a few of mine) of the lighter ones. I had to play with the amount of line I let out before I found the perfect range. I'm sure there are other people who have more experience with them than me, so chime in people!

Justin Huether

P.S. I second what DennisW says in the next post!!

Messages In This Thread
Using a bottom bouncer0 - by AFDan52 - 02-20-2003, 12:29 AM
Re: [AFDan52] Using a bottom bouncer0 - by ram4x - 02-20-2003, 03:13 AM

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