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fishiing report for union lake 1-31-03
[size 1]hey guys it was great meeting you too, glad you came out. [/size]

[size 1]we are going to atempt a tout camp for the last weekend in april six miles down stream from where we were yesterday, [/size]

[size 1]just as always the fish start biting just as soon as we left yesterday [/size]

[size 1]here is a copy of my report.[/size]

[size 1]the Oakland County 4-H Ice Fishing contest went off with out a hich, or should I say with out a fish. [pirate]

starting out two of our huskiest youths atempt to drill a hole through a lake with a frozen crust of hard water 24 inches to be exact.

[Image: MESS6438CustomImage0775001.jpg] after about a half hour of drilling they decided to use the 3 horse eskimo power auger on lone from lakes community chest.[Image: MESS6438CustomImage0784226.jpg] holes drilled they found keeping their holes from re-freezing over a full time job. keeping their jigs a wiggling was a good way to handle the wind chill that droped down to zero. [Image: MESS6438CustomImage0757783.jpg]Even michigan's newest member "Stormy" came out and joined in the fun. unfortunatly no one caught a fish during the tournament, a late comer ventured on the ice as I was cleaning up after my event to make sure that the pond was cleaner than when I got there, (the golden rule) he decided to show me how it was done, not two minutes in the water he is pulling up perch after perch. [Image: MESS6438CustomImage0765076.jpg] Well some guys have all the luck [cool] even though he was late he was in time to catch the fish and did not go home empty handed, plenty of prizes to go around. the best prize was being out on the ice with his dad. [/size]

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