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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
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Dear Allen: The intent of the bill is to reduce the amount of gull feces on the beaches, period. All of what you say is good information that should be brought up in debate during the committee process. There are literally hundreds of bills that die in committee because, although the intent is good, the consquences could be worse. You may very well have shed some light on some unintended consequences with this one. Thank you for the ammo. I love to play the devil's adocate, too. I hope you will keep watch on the progress of HB 6400 and consider coming to a committee hearing on it. You seem well versed, confident, and willing to take a stand. Citizens like you are what makes the legislative process work. In case you are not aware, you can track this bill and any other at [url ""][/url]. Thanks for your continued input. Paula Zelenko State Representative 50th District

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Re: [davetclown] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by lonehunter - 09-29-2006, 08:58 PM

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