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Wanted! Your Boating Safety Tips
Obviosly carry the required saftey items, they can be found in the proclaimation. But, I have learned through expirience a few things. Fuses, carry extras. Tons of things can cause you to blow a fuse, and without an extra, you may be without your bilge, lights, or ablilty to start your engine. Next, clean up after yourself. I cant remember how many times I have been in skeeters freaking jet boat and had sharp or fairly heavy and hard objects wiz past my head. You need a windshiled skeeter. How would you like to get hit in the head with a 3/4 full soda can while doing 65 mph? Or even get stuck in the face by a VMC in a tube jig that was carlessly left on a casting deck and forgotten about. Also use snippers to cut your line. Using your teeth caused rainbow sparkle to get a treble hook stuck inside his mouth one day. I just looked in there and said, "Yeah its in there, good luck with that." And lastly as a saftey concern for you and others, GO AROUND! Too many of us jack a__'s that have big fast boats get lazy and abuse the power. Especially around the marinas. Theres lots of small boats out there, and they are almost always our own people, show some courteousy and slow down to wakeless speed or go around. What does it take? an extra two seconds in our water rockets? But it does make a big difference to the guys in the little boats. Also, if you see some water skiiers harrasing on of the little boats, run them down and get thier boat numbers, take the numbers back to the guys in the little boat and lets fix them stupid waterskiiers.

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Re: [BearLakeMack] Wanted! Your Boating Safety Tips - by PREDATOR - 02-16-2003, 12:52 AM

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