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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
Give me any ideas to go in this reply to them:

It seems to me that E-coli is being used as an excuse to enact this bill , the ability or authority to remove undesireables from our state parks is the real issue here .
I do not believe that feeding a gull will be last of the public banning acts that will be passed if it is not stopped now .
Who is to say that this type of [size 1]infringement [/size]on our civil liberties is a justifiable act ? No one person has that right in our country .
I view this bill as a stepping stone to other legislature that will soon ban certain [size 1]economically[/size] challenged races from enjoying our public lands and rights to our public waterways .
When you take into [size 1]consideration [/size]what this bill is actually stating
" Ban the person from use of the Michigan State Park " .
There is no violent act or behavior being [size 1]committed[/size], therefore , banning is [#0000ff][size 1]illegal[/size][/#0000ff] . Do your duty and uphold not only our Michigan State Constitution but uphold our Federal Constitution and our bill of rights as free Americans.

[size 1]I would like to know what biologist came up with the idea that Gull are the sole reason for E-coli outbreaks . As I understand , beach water contamination is due to several causes .[/size]
[size 1] First , the most common contaminate , decaying lake vegetation . Global warming has caused an increase not only in air temperature , but a dramatic increase in lake temperatures as well , thermal killing of aquatic vegetation has been on the rise for years. Huge mounds of decaying vegetation wash inshore where it rots , E-coli is just one of the known byproducts .[/size]
[size 1] Second , Human waste , several catalysts in this topic . Legal dumping of human waste in our lakes and rivers include ;[/size]
[size 1] Overflow expulsion when waste treatment plants exceed their maximum capacity. Discharge of human waste products from a waste treatment plant due to machine malfunction and/or structure failure of holding tanks or human error.I'm sure the D.E.Q. could give you information on how many hundreds of thousands of gallons of raw untreated human waste is dumped into our Michigan waters each and every year . [/size]
[size 1][#0000ff]Illegally[/#0000ff] dumping of human waste ; Shipping freighter from around the world dump garbage and waste into our waters . Pleasure boats , most small vessels do not have bathroom facilities on them .[/size]
[size 1] Lake lot owners themselves have faulty septic systems or the old "grandfathered in" strait pipe out into the lake that discharges their waste .[/size]
[size 1] Port-a-potty companies that dump waste into creeks and rivers to avoid the extra cost of disposing human waste at treatment plants . Should we include the [#0000ff]illegal [/#0000ff]dumping of medical waste as well ? [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]One response from a legislator was that not being from the area I wouldn't understand the issue. Really ? I have lived in Gladwin for about eight years now , before that I resided in the downriver area of Detroit .I am a fisherman , I travel all over the state fishing , not just a couple weekends a year , Every week of the year , several times a week . [/size]
[size 1]The islands of the Detroit River have huge populations of gullian and other water foul , E-coli has never been a problem as long as I can remember . [/size]
[size 1]Duck and Goose hunting in Monroe , never an outbreak there either . Fecies from the rather large goose population in the metro area have never closed a single golf course from E-coli contamination .Have you ever been to a golf course and seen what a goose can do in a day ? A single goose produces 240 pounds of fecies a year . If E-coli where a problem from bird droppings , you would find it on every golfcourse green .There would not be a open for business golf course left in the state unless it had a hasmat team working around the clock every day of the year.[/size]
[size 1] I am an avid outdoors person , I know of several bird breeders , E-coli has not been a problem with them either . I have fished , hunted and trapped in swamps with slow moving waters that have plenty of waterfoul , if contamination from bird droppings were a problem it most assured would show up in those areas first . Before you commit to this issue (house bill 6400) , I would strongly research and question the "biologist " that came up with seagulls as the problem . I will be forwarding this message not only to other legislators , but to quite a number of other outdoor orgisinations that I am involved with .[/size]

Messages In This Thread
Re: [davetclown] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by lonehunter - 09-26-2006, 08:45 PM

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