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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
I forgot to mention why you should not have given your real address.

the reason is,

you never know when a politition has an attatched line attatched to a bill that has nothing at all to do with the bill. The last thing they want is some one putting out negitive responces to a non issue ajenda.

we only had one honest governer in the last four persons to hold the seat, this incluldes milliken, blanchard ingler and grandholm. "Blanchard being the only honest one.

he lost his seat when he raised the state income tax from 4.6% to 5% temporarily, then drops it back down after balancing his budget. Republicans chastized Blanchard for this atrosity. Ingler gets in to office and moves the state tax rate up to 6% and was patted on the back.

Only contact those who live where you live, this way everybody knows everybody. and no body can do anything with out some one else knowing about it.

would it be nice to know what was on the bill before it was voted on, I think as a people we should have that right. unfortunatly, these guys can attach a line on at any time though the process. every person in the state congress and state senant has the oppertunity to put in a line.

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Re: [lonehunter] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by davetclown - 09-26-2006, 07:25 AM

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