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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
sound like a bunch of side talking,

hope ya didnt give your true address,

I would would send a reply including the history of the gull in michigan I gave above and ask why they are not targeting gulls at dumpsites with fly over sprays like thay do the black birds in kentucky, and then ask them about what about all the swans and canadian geese that they have been culling by collection of hatchlings and eggs and in some cases adult birds.

you can say, I thought they were the problem.

you can also ask why all lake front houses in the state have not been inspected for septic leakage once a year if the isue is so great. for that matter why havent you allowed the dnr environmental officers to ruteenly moniter runoffs from dranage ditches storm drains ect... around sencitive areas. (meaning beaches that are getting closed down)

they do this by running die in to the system and look for where it shows up. pretty simple test.

You can also ask why there is not a regulatory law concerning boats with out house ficilities, meaning why is there a manditory log showing when and where every flush was preformed and cirtified by some one licensed at that station insted of the honor system. and why isnt canada doing the same thing?

one thing I will tell you for a fact, their vote is public knolage, meaning you have the right to know every bill that has passed befor them that they voted "for" "against" "obstained" "or was absent at the time of the vote"

dont forget to check up on them and pass the word around the hood.

I have sat in my congressmans chair in the state house, and used his voting machein, every vote is shown up on a large board, no vote is secrete.

we are faceing the hottest temp the world has ever seen in the last million years by the year 2050. souldnt we be more concerned about getting our industry switched over to making cars running on non carbon releasing systems, reducing by education the number of people on the planet,

there are so many issues that rank so far above seagull droppings that this bill is not only a joke but an insult.

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Re: [lonehunter] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by davetclown - 09-26-2006, 05:53 AM

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