09-24-2006, 12:00 PM
Yea , you know me , jumping up on that soap box and yelling my fool head off [crazy], LOL !
The problem I see here is we have people representing us ,( some with a whole buncha book learning behind them , mind you ) that can't or won't think for themselves .
Some jerk or jerkette got a bird dropping on there lexus and had to wipe it off all by themselves , poor baby .
They write some bonehead, bleach blond ,dark roots , got more wrinkles than a prune , overweight , dumpy legged , tater chip and diet coke eating , couldn't pass up a mall without causing a traffic jam , lady and she says , humm that sounds like a good law , I think I'll make a bill to pass it into law .
Does the bimbo look at the bill from all sides , does she concider our civil libertys and the threat this bill will have to them, does she try to invision future relminifications that this bill could be used for ? hell no , she dosen't spend one moment in time thinking about this , brain cells are just too hard for her to start in the morning , so why bother starting them at all unless a sale is on at J.C. Pennys .
My message to her ,
We have been given brains , it is a usefull orgin that like a mussel needs to be exersized every day , God sakes woman , put down the krispy cream donught and break out the with the mental flex jim !
Don't think just what other people tell you , think for yourself !
Too many people with lazy brains running our government .
The problem I see here is we have people representing us ,( some with a whole buncha book learning behind them , mind you ) that can't or won't think for themselves .
Some jerk or jerkette got a bird dropping on there lexus and had to wipe it off all by themselves , poor baby .
They write some bonehead, bleach blond ,dark roots , got more wrinkles than a prune , overweight , dumpy legged , tater chip and diet coke eating , couldn't pass up a mall without causing a traffic jam , lady and she says , humm that sounds like a good law , I think I'll make a bill to pass it into law .
Does the bimbo look at the bill from all sides , does she concider our civil libertys and the threat this bill will have to them, does she try to invision future relminifications that this bill could be used for ? hell no , she dosen't spend one moment in time thinking about this , brain cells are just too hard for her to start in the morning , so why bother starting them at all unless a sale is on at J.C. Pennys .
My message to her ,
We have been given brains , it is a usefull orgin that like a mussel needs to be exersized every day , God sakes woman , put down the krispy cream donught and break out the with the mental flex jim !
Don't think just what other people tell you , think for yourself !
Too many people with lazy brains running our government .