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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
Well I don't agree with this at all .
One , feeding gulls is no big deal . How many city adults out there as little tykes had their first encounter with wildlife by feeding gulls or ducks at a pond ? Yea, let's rob our youth of that experiance .

Two , maybe private business can enforce that policy on their private property , but on public land ?

How in the heck can feeding a few birds justify banning anyone from land they have a right to enjoy , since they are paying for that land in taxes and entrance fees ?

What's next , backyard bird feeders , gardens that attract bees , butterflys,finches and hummingbirds ? What about the D.E.Q and the D.N.R. funding deer habitat restoration on private land thru grants , should that be done away with as well ?
Heck us fishermen use bait , thats feeding fish , should we ban fishing as well ?

When the state starts banning feeding one species of wildlife it opens the door for other species to be put on that list .
When you start banning our residents from land they have a right to , That just makes my stomach turn .

I'm going to send some E-mails out and make some calls . This is a stupid waste of our tax dollars and a threat to our rights .

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Re: [davetclown] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by lonehunter - 09-24-2006, 03:11 AM

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