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WF 4-5-6 wt Floating fly line choices? Whats best and whats just overpriced?
Quote:...What do you use in the 4-5-6 wt range in wf floating line?...
For a moderate priced line I like the SA lines: nice hard finish, good core, adequate geometry. Cortland and Rio are other nice brands (in general). When I get a bit flushed, I like to spend a couple of extra bucks and get Wulff Triangle Taper. I prefer their geometry, especially for my 4wt Trout fishing. It just works well with my cast.

As for cleaning and dressing, most modern fly lines when used in temperate fresh water just need the occasional cleaning with a bit of soap (mild dish detergent is fine) and water, and lots of fresh water rinse to keep the pond scum at bay. I like to dress the line with a "proper" brand of fly line dressing like Umpqua or SA. I can't say that I'm a fan of Armor-All. I've always thought it was bit of a solvent on the fly line, and it certainly seems to leave a "slick" on the water, even after polishing the line several times with a clean cloth.

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Re: [5282jt] WF 4-5-6 wt Floating fly line choices? Whats best and whats just overpriced? - by eBob - 09-07-2006, 02:53 PM

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