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WF 4-5-6 wt Floating fly line choices? Whats best and whats just overpriced?
I clip about an inch off my fly line every year and add new butt section or fold my fly line over and make a small loop in the line itself with a bobbin and whip finishing tool. I just do this to make sure of a nice tight seal on the end of the line so it will float and I do this at the first of a season, although I fly fish year round.
I will agree, for the money 333 is a good line and been around for ever. 555 is ?????. Cortland "PEACH" is another very good line. I do use DT, but to be honest, it is most productive on very slow action rods (Glass and Bamboo) because they are so soft, hard to load up. For light delicate all around line that I use the most it is Orvis wonderline Superfine WF. Even like it better that Wulff TT.

As far as that crack, I think that could also be a wrong leader.... try furled leaders. So soft.

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Re: [Thudpucker] WF 4-5-6 wt Floating fly line choices? Whats best and whats just overpriced? - by flygoddess - 08-06-2006, 04:04 PM

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