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North Fork of the Henry's Fork (near Lyman Lake, North Slope Uintas)
Wow, that is a mouthful (keyboardful)!!! I do not know anything else about this mountain stream in the Uintas, except that it drains into the Green River Drainage, and is 17 miles in on a rough dirt road east of the Bear River Ranger station off the Mirror Lake Highway.

Last weekend, we had a family reunion of sorts and drove out to Little Lyman Lake Campground, which is off of Hwy 150, 17 miles in on a horrible dirt road (I pulled a popup tent trailer up there....bad idea). It was a beautiful area though.

Saturday, my dad and I hit the stream about 3/4 to a mile east of Little Lyman Lake. The map says it is the North Fork of the Henry's Fork, I believe. Anyway, it was TONS of fun!!! I started out casting a #1 Gold Mepps spinner, and quickly caught 5 trout -- 1 little brookie and 4 colorado river cutts. These native cutts were BEAUTIFUL colorful fish!! I then switched to my flyrod and proceeded to catch around 10 or so more beautiful wild trout. 1 more brookie and the rest native cutthroat trout.

All were between 5 and 10 inches is all, but they were beautiful fish and average sized for the uintas.

My dad ended up with 16 fish: 2 whitefish, 6 brookies and 8 cutts. It was a ton of fun.

All of the fish I caught on my flyrod I caught with an Adams Irresistable (Adams with a spun deerhair body), size 12, that I tied myself.

The bugs were not bad at all (only a few flies, and with a little DEET none bothered me, and almost no mosquitos). It was fun, but I don't know if I'd want to make that drive again. It was an aweful road to travel pulling a trailer and a pregnant wife! lol

Sorry, no pictures. I left the camera back at camp when I went out fishing, and boy am I MAD I did!!

Here are some pics of little lyman lake, though.
[Image: uintaslittlelymanlake.jpg]

[Image: uintaslittlelymanlake2.jpg]

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North Fork of the Henry's Fork (near Lyman Lake, North Slope Uintas) - by cat_man - 08-03-2006, 06:20 AM

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